February 2016

Ever wonder how many people visit your website? If you're an administrator of a website then sure you are. Post view counter or tracker is a widget or plugin that counts (and also displays) how many times a posts has been viewed. This helps blog author (and also readers) to know how much popular that post is. But to create this type of plugin, you have to know php, database, javascript etc, which is not so easy. However I've found a website, Firebase that also does the same job. You can create free accounts at Firebase and you can use their scripts to install post view counter in your blog. It doesn't matter which blogging platform you're using because Firebase works with all major blogging platforms and websites.

How to add page view, post views counter Plugin For Blog or website

Follow Step:

  1. Step Create Your Firebase Account

  2. Signup for your free account. Follow the steps carefully given at Firebase to activate your account.

    How to add page view, post views counter Plugin For Blog or website

  3. Step : Create Your Database at Firebase

  4. How to add page view, post views counter Plugin For Blog or website

    Firebase offers you to create 10 unique databases. In our case, only one database is required. Create one to store your post view stats. Give your database a unique name

  5. Step : Install Post View Counter Plugin
  • Sign in to Blogger account and go to Blogger dashboard.
  • Click the arrow adjacent to 'Go to post list' icon and select 'Template' from the drop down menu. Alternately you can click 'Template' from left navigation menu if you're already within your blog.
  • Click 'Edit HTML'.
  • Skip this step if jQuery library already installed in your blog. Otherwise Search for (Ctrl+F) </head> and paste (Ctrl+V) the following code before </head>.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

  • Search for (Ctrl+F) </b:skin>, copy (Ctrl+C) the following code and paste it (Ctrl+V) before </b:skin>.

.post-header-line-1 {overflow:hidden}
.viewers{margin:10px 0;display:table;background:#fefefe;color:#333;padding:6px 12px;box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 1px #c9c9c9;cursor:default;font-weight:bold;transition:all .3s ease-out}
.viewers:hover {background:#aaa;color:#fff;box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 1px #888;}
.viewers .loading {display:inline-block;width:20px;height:20px;background:transparent url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgbYLC6uOO8MpkA0f9uGaCyzMHmPIsHZS5iuLIF0_lNGSi2w3_edWcHiJGgCkvLl-OCzqrXIOikVYINDe3NP25f7Ps4aRJJ5n3axrMS4JqciSSAAM7050QO0zI23-2Lxs9avXen3gpOF4sB/s1600/loader.gif') no-repeat 0 0;vertical-align:middle}

  • Search for (Ctrl+F) </head> and paste (Ctrl+V) the following code before </head>

<script src="//cdn.firebase.com/v0/firebase.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>

// View counter===============================
$(function(){var a=$(".viewers");a.each(function(){var n=$(this).attr("id"),e=new Firebase("https://priosoft.firebaseio.com/"+n);e.once("value",function(n){var i=n.val();null==i?i=1:"/"!=window.location.pathname&&i++,e.set(i),a.children("span").removeClass("loading").html(i)})})});

  • Search for (Ctrl+F) post-header. You'll find the a code similar to the following one.

<div class='post-header'>
  <div class='post-header-line-1'/>

  • Replace <div class='post-header-line-1'/> with the following code.

<div class='post-header'>
  <div class='post-header-line-1'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='viewers' expr:id='&quot;obs-&quot; + data:post.id'>Post view: <span class='loading'/></div>

  • You're done. Now Save template and see result by refreshing page.

  • Customization

      • Replace "https://prio-soft.firebaseio.com" With Your Firebase url.

      Any type of information please Contact us.

I’m here with a most common issue which always pops up in mind of every COC clasher. Many of us think, Is it possible to change Clash of clans Gmail account. Once created it can’t be change for a lifetime, is it so ? I always had a doubt on this matter and used to think What I need to do for changing my Clash of Clans Email Account ? I bet it was in your mind too.

How To Change Clah Of Clans Gmail Account (ID)

Question may emerge due to following possibility :

  •  You want to get rid of old Gmail account and start a new one with something that sounds cool.
  • Bored of playing and would like to give away COC village to your best friend but don’t want to   share personal Google account.
  • Want to sell your full upgraded village for money but can’t because of Gmail account.
Second point is  exactly my case, as I want to give away my Max TH8 to one of my friend. So what can I do for changing my COC Gmail account. Thought like unlinking game with present ID and linking again with new one comes to everyone mind. But Supercell, creater of Clash of clans, won’t easily let you change Account ID.

How To Change Clah Of Clans Gmail Account (ID)
Change Clash of Clans Gmail ID

Supercell creates a database of every village present in-game. Details like player Name, experience level, troops and defense details are stored in database. All information about player with Gmail ID is kept safe and can’t be changed by any manual action of unlink through Google+.

If you think unlinking game stored on Google+ deletes your ID from Supercell database then it’s your mistake. Super-cell only let you change Gmail id if your reason to change looks legit and genuine. Below is one such case which might be accepted by COC support team.

Way to Change Clash of Clans Email Account ID

Genuine reason with a humble request is only a way to change ID. For Example ; Suppose I’m working with company (Prio-Soft™) and will be leaving company very soon. Company allotted me ID Something like : Sumit@Prio-Soft™.com and same ID is used  to save progress of COC.

As I’m going to leave and company will delete this mailing address for obvious reasons . Now to linkup my account with new ID, request could be made and Supercell wont deny if cases like this need to be addressed. They don’t want to loose a community of clashers. For addressing your problem you can shoot them message. Process is explained as:

Step 1 : Open COC and tap on settings. You will find Help and Support button.

How To Change Clah Of Clans Gmail Account (ID)
Change Clash of Clans Gmail ID
Step 2 : Open Support column and find the main topic and subtopic of your problem. Above problem is under My Account section.
Step 3 : At top right most corner you will find message button. Hit and type  your query.
Step 4 : Write appropriate and genuine question.
How To Change Clah Of Clans Gmail Account (ID)
Change Clash of Clans Gmail ID

If Supercell feel sense in your query then you will be receiving a mail from support team regarding the process. Don’t expect mail instantly as it may take few days to come. So this is the only way to Change COC Gmail Account (ID). If you successfully able to change then do share your experience.

Clash On..!!!
Any type of information please Contact us.

Facebook is place where we share each and every, day to day incident with out friends, family in chat or status. Facebook is a biggest social media site with millions of daily users just because it has thousands of different features which make Facebook amazing. So Developers keep trying find to bugs to make Best Facebook tricks and funny pranks.

Now here i am going share amazing Facebook tricks to make invisible Name Facebook account. As per rule it is not possible to Make account on Facebook without name. But if you want to make your Facebook profile without using name then simply follow my given steps.

Follow The Step:

  • Login To Your Facebook Account.
  • After Open Now Click Account Setting > Click Name.
  • After Open Now Paste Ghost any Name In First & Last Name.

  • Select any ghost symbol and paste on your Facebook Name

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    Any type of information please Contact us.

I will show number of ways to Hack Facebook Account that all hackers usually use to hack Facebook Account.so beware you from hackers.I will show number of ways to Hack Facebook Account that all hackers usually use to hack Facebook Account. So beware from hackers and protect your facebook account from hackers. Our site provides only security tips to protect your facebook account from hackers . We sharing only these methods because if you know how to hack you must know how to secure. Must read carefully all these methods, beware from all attacks, and protect your facebook account from hackers.

InShortViral: We are going to reveal all the  methods that generally hackers can use these top ways/methods to How to Hack Facebook Account Password easily (Educational Purpose Only & Beware from Hackers). My motto of this post Also Read: 

Top Ways How Hackers Can Hack Facebook Accounts In 2016

Mostly Hackers use these methods to hack Facebook account 2016, So protect yourself from hackers. Must Read this post, and beware from hackers,
  •   Hack Facebook Account Password By Phishing
Phishing is still the most popular attack vector used for hacking Facebook accounts. There are variety methods to carry out phishing attack. In a simple phishing attacks a hacker creates a fake log in page which exactly looks like the real Facebook page and then asks the victim to log in. Once the victim log in through the fake page the, the victims “Email Address” and “Password” is stored in to a text file, and the hacker then downloads the text file and gets his hands on the victims credentials.
  • Hack Facebook Account Password By Keylogging:
Keylogging is the easiest way to hack a Facebook password. Keylogging sometimes can be so dangerous that even a person with good knowledge of computers can fall for it. A Keylogger is basically a small program which, once is installed on victim’s computer, will record every thing victim types on his/her computer. The logs are then send back to the attacker by either FTP or directly to hackers email address.
  • Stealer’s
Almost 80% percent people use stored passwords in their browser to access the Facebook. This is quite convenient, but can sometimes be extremely dangerous. Stealer’s are software’s specially designed to capture the saved passwords stored in the victims Internet browser.
  • Hack Facebook Account Password By Session Hijacking
Session Hijacking can be often very dangerous if you are accessing Facebook on a http (non secure) connection. In Session Hijacking attack, a hacker steals the victims browser cookie which is used to authenticate the user on a website, and use it to access the victims account. Session hijacking is widely used on LAN, and WiFi connections.
  • Side-jacking With Fire-sheep
Sidejacking attack went common in late 2010, however it’s still popular now a days. Firesheep is widely used to carry out sidejacking attacks. Firesheep only works when the attacker and victim is on the same WiFi network. A sidejacking attack is basically another name for http session hijacking, but it’s more targeted towards WiFi users.
  • Mobile Phone Hacking
Millions of Facebook users access Facebook through their mobile phones. In case the hacker can gain access to the victims mobile phone then he can probably gain access to his/her Facebook account. Their are a lots of Mobile Spying software’s used to monitor a Cellphone. The most popular Mobile Phone Spying software’s are: Mobile Spy, and Spy Phone Gold.
  • DNS Spoofing
If both the victim and attacker are on the same network, an attacker can use a DNS spoofing attack and change the original Facebook page to his own fake page and hence can get access to victims Facebook account.
  • USB Hacking
If an attacker has physical access to your computer, he could just insert a USB programmed with a function to automatically extract saved passwords in the Internet browser.
  • Man In the Middle Attacks
If the victim and attacker are on the same LAN and on a switch based network, a hacker can place himself between the client and the server, or he could act as a default gateway and hence capturing all the traffic in between.
  • 10 Botnets
Botnets are not commonly used for hacking Facebook accounts, because of it’s high setup costs. They are used to carry more advanced attacks. A Botnet is basically a collection of compromised computer. The infection process is same as the key logging, however a Botnet gives you additional options for carrying out attacks with the compromised computer. Some of the most popular Botnets include Spyeye and Zeus.

Mostly hackers use these methods to hack Facebook account password, We are shared this ways/post only for security purpose. We get numerous emails on a daily basis asking us to how to Hack friends Facebook or E-mail account  If your email falls into any of the above categories we will not help you.

Note :- This post is only for security purpose don’t try any illegal activity and i am just shared these methods because protect our Facebook account from these types of hacking attacks.

Any type of information please Contact us.

Android is one the most popular smartphone OS ever. Developers creates various kind of backdoor within the applications and operating systems. Through these backdoor any users who have sufficient knowledge can get into the system much deeper as compare to other users. As we all know Android is an open source operating system based on Linux Kernel and developed by Google. An Android operating system is most widely used in the world. Android developers also creates many backdoor through which you can enter into the system and you can change settings. It is not meant to be used these backdoor for malicious intent because developers blocked some modes and these backdoor are the way or allow the users to enter into the system and let you become familiar to the system. In smartphone these backdoor are called “secret codes”. . So here we collect some Secret Hidden Codes for Android. May be some of them not work on specific device but you can try it if you can !

Android Secret Codes 2016 List (Hidden Codes Chart).

List Of Android Secret Codes:

  1. Factory restore setting
  2. Clear all application and data.
  3. Remove Google account setting.
  4. Remove System, application data and settings.
  1. Reinstall the phones firmware.
  2. Used for factory format.
  3. Remove all files and settings including the internal storage.
  4. Reinstall the firmware.
  1. Enabling test mode for service activity.
  2. Used to enter into Service mode.
  3. You can run and change various tests and settings in the service mode.
  1. Phone basic information.
  2. Phone usage detail.
  3. Battery information.
  1. Information about mobile camera.
  2. Get camera information.
  3. Note:- Please avoid update camera firmware option
  1. Changing the power button behavior.
  2. Enables the direct power off without asking for selecting any option (silent mode, Aeroplane and power off).
  1. Create backup to all your media files.
  2. Opens file copy screen where you can backup your media files like (images, videos and audios).
  1. For Google Talk service monitoring.
  2. Used to launch G Talk Service Monitor.
  1. Used to display product code.
  1. Used to know Battery Status.
  1. Software and Hardware Info.
  1. Let you know Ciphering Info.
  1. Data create menu.
  1. Data usage status.
  1. OTA update menu.

WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Android Secret Codes:

  1. WLAN Test.
  1. Displays/Shows WiFi MAC address.
  1. For quick GPS test.
  1. Different type GPS test.
  1. Bluetooth test.
  1. Displays Bluetooth device address.

Firmware version information Android Secret codes:

  1. Let you know about FTA SW Version.
  1. FTA Hardware Version.
  1. Firmware Info PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate.
  1. PDA and Phone firmware info.
  1. RF band selection
  1. Diagnostic configuration.
  1. USB 12C mode control.
  1. USB logging control.
  1. RIL dump menu.
  1. Debug dump menu.
  1. System dump mode.
  1. Shows Build time changelist number.
  2. PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, ChangeList number.
  1. NAND flash serial number.
  1. GCF mode status.

Factory Tests Android Secret Codes:

  1. Packet Loop-back test.
  1. LCD test.
  1. Audio/Melody test.
  1. Vibration test and Back Light test Device test.
  1. Displays Touch screen version.
  1. Touch-Screen test.
  1. Proximity sensor test.
  1. RAM version.
  1. Real time clock test.
  1. Light sensor test.
  1. Quick test menu.

PDA and Phone Android Secret Codes:

  1. Field test.
  1. IMEI number.
  1. Enables voice dialing logging mode.
  1. Disables voice dialing logging mode.
  1. Execute from Emergency dial screeen to unlock PUK code.
  1. HSDPA HSUPA control menu.
  1. View phone lock status.

Other Android Secret Codes:

  1. Galaxy S3 service menu.
  1. Motorola DROID hidden service menu.
  2. The default SPC password is six zeroes(000000).
  1. LG Optimus 2x hidden service menu.
  2. When prompted for a code enter six zeroes(000000).
  1. Lg Optimus 3D hidden service menu.
  2. When prompted for a code enter six zeroes(000000).

 In case you face any problem regarding this topic please let us know in below comments.

Internet download Manager is one of the best downloading tools. IDM provides fast downloading speed with various amazing features. It automatically manage your downloads without worry about connection loss, Grab downloadable files from webpage automatically etc. We can resume our download wherever it get stopped. But IDM is paid software we have to pay for using it after 30 days free trail. For every device we require to purchase separate license. So in order reduce our software expenses we need best IDM alternative software’s.  Their are various best download manager software alternative to idm. Who provides good downloading speed with advanced functionality. If you also suffer idm trail version issue. Then here we are going to list out best alternatives to idm which most popular widely used download manager.

Best Alternatives To IDM:

1. EagleGet: Click Here

EagleGet is one of the best Alternative to IDM with similar features. It is free to download with its awesome features. We can easily integrate it with our browsers. So that we can download everything with EagelGet. We can pause and play our download easily. It also provide its speed notification box.

2. Download Accelerator Plus:     Click Here

It is another best Alternative to IDM which is light weight and easy to use. It has all the features of IDM. It accelerate your download with its own techniques. We can integrate it with our browser. It is compatible with Windows, Mac. We can simultaneously play our video while downloading. It provide play/pause feature, speed notification etc.

3. JDownloader:       Click Here
JDownloader is another best Alternative to IDM. It is an open source software which is free to download. It is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac.  It is made in java so it is more secure. We can easily pause and play our downloads. We can manage our download easily and can also schedule. It do not start all the download simultaneously unlike IDM.

4. Internet Download Accelerator:     Click Here

It is another best download manager which is getting popular day by day. It is free to download. It provide all the features and similar to IDM. It also refreshes the download link so that we can resume expired download link. It also split our download for twice download speed like IDM. It is best option for Windows user.

5. FreeRapid Downloader:   Click Here
It is another java based IDM Alternative which is available for free to download. It provide all the features of IDM without any cost. It is easy to use with its attractive interface. We can download from any website with its browser integration. It provide download speed notification. We can also schedule our download and download directly from the URL.

6. Mipony Download:     Click Here
Mipony Downloader is best option for downloading large files quickly. It is free to download and use. It optimize our internet connection to provide more speed. It provide fully automatic download with easy browser integration. It provide pause and play feature, more speed, schedule download etc. It also provide remote control from other network computer.

7. Orbit Downloader:     Click Here
Orbit Downloader is another best Alternative to idm. It is totally free to download and easy to use. It is compatible with Windows. It provide pause/play features, proxy server configuration. We can download our file by directly pasting the URL of file. We can manage our downloads easily. After any interrupt we can resume our download from same position. Try it and view it performance.

8. FlashGet Downloader: Click Here
It is another best option for Windows users as an alternative of IDM. We can easily call our install antivirus from this Downloader after downloading the file to scan it. It provide more speed with connection optimization. It also provide play and pause features with schedule download management. It provide easy integration with browsers and easy to use interface.

9. Gozilla Downloader:  Click Here
Gozilla Downloader is good choice as a download manager to download large files. We can easily manage our download with pause/play feature. It also provide connection speed notification. It get a file from many server to provide more download speed. We can easily resume  our file if we lost our internet from same location.

10. GetRight Download Manager:    Click Here 

With the help of this download manager we can easily download, play/pause, resume our download easily. It accelerate our download by spliting the file and download it in segments. It is easy to use and free Alternative to IDM. It is a light weight software give it a try and watch the performance.

11. Download Accelerator Manager:  Click Here

It is another popular Alternative for IDM. We can easily integrate it with our browser and enjoy its fast downloading speed. It is best option for Window users. We can easily resume our download from an expired link. Manage our download with play/pause feature easily. View our complete and pending download with percentage. Give it a try and enjoy your downloading.

If  you face any problem regarding this trick feel free to share your comment. I will glad to help you. 8-)
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Shawon Khan

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