How to fix number /Ajax Page navigation problem from all template

Hello Friends, I hope you are doing well in your Blogging career. From last few days I have got complain that some template’s number page navigation is not working. This means when you want to navigate from one page to another page then it is not working. This problem is not arise from template, in real under Google Blogger platform Ajax is not supporting right now. I am not sure why this is happening? Because formerly Blogger support Ajax and it works smoothly.

How to fix number /Ajax Page navigation problem from all template 2016.

Whatever! I have use Ajax number page navigation in almost my entire Blogger templates. And suddenly it has stopped working. And not only in my template if you use any other designer’s Blogger template will you see the same problem, because those are designed with Ajax number page navigation.

In this article I have brought a solution where you can disable Ajax to make your number page navigation to work. This tutorial is for solving other Blogger template

  1. Go to and Sign in to your account
  2. From Blogger Dashboard click on ->Template ->Edit HTML  
  3. And locate the “Ajax Script” like below.

    i={postperpage:6,numshowpage:4,previous:"« Prev",next:"Next

    The above script may not be similar in all Blogger template but focus from loadAjax:true only.

  5. Now locate loadAjax:true from above script and replace it by loadAjax:false. I just change true to false in Ajax loader.
  6. Now simply hit the Save template from the top.
  7. .

I just disabled Ajax loading with page navigation script. Now check your Blogger template and see you can easily navigate from one page to another.

I think this problem arises for Blogger platform upgrade. And very soon Google will solve the issue. But till then you can solve your problem by using this trick.

I have also seen all MKR templates also using Ajax number page navigation. And those templates also stopped working. So if you want to solve the problem simply follow my instruction. I have applied this trick on MKR template and this is working 100% smoothly. For any further query feel free to leave a comment below.

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  1. i did it but nothing happened so please bro help me my blog not showing page numbering navigation I'm using Syahira Template i also used many scripts but nothing happened here is my blog please please help me i need

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